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Check back for regular content on web design, SEO, hosting and security articles.

  • Why has my search engine ranking dropped?

    April 19, 2023
    Google has been known to penalise websites for a range of factors related to poor quality content, user experience, and security, among others. Some of the most common reasons for SEO penalties in the past have included keyword stuffing, duplicate content, low-quality content, thin content, slow page speed, broken links, low-quality backlinks, and security issues…

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  • SEO Competitor Analysis

    April 17, 2023
    Conducting SEO competitor research can help businesses understand their competition's online presence, strategies, and tactics. Here are the key points to evaluate and how you can gain a competitive edge by finding gaps and repeating successful strategies: In summary, businesses can conduct SEO competitor research by analysing their website, keywords, backlink profile, social media presence,…

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  • Short-Tail vs Long-Tail Keywords

    April 15, 2023
    Keywords are an essential part of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. They are the words and phrases people use when they search for something online. The choice of keywords can make a significant difference in the success of your marketing campaigns. There are two types of keywords: short-tail and long-tail. Short-tail keywords…

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  • Conducting Keyword Research

    April 12, 2023
    Keyword research is a crucial step in the process of optimising a website for search engines. The goal of keyword research is to identify the words and phrases that people are using to search for the products, services, or information that your website offers. By targeting these keywords, you can increase your chances of appearing…

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  • Web Design Trends for 2023

    April 10, 2023
    Website design is an ever-changing landscape, with new trends and best practices emerging each year. As we approach 2023, it's essential for businesses and website owners to stay up to date with the latest design practices to ensure that their websites are user-friendly, accessible, and effective. In this article, we will explore five of the…

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  • Gathering inspiration for a new website

    April 9, 2023
    There are several platforms that people can use to get inspiration for website design. Here are a few examples: Once users have found inspiration for their website design, they can use a platform like Figma or Sketch to create a presentation of their ideas to share with their web design agency. These platforms allow users…

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  • Best Practices for Optimizing a WordPress Website in 2023 

    April 7, 2023
    With over 40% of websites on the internet powered by WordPress, it is no secret that this content management system is a popular choice for businesses and individuals alike. However, with so many websites using WordPress, it is crucial to ensure that your website is optimized to perform well and stand out from the competition.…

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  • Schema Markup / Structured Data – What it is and why it’s important.

    April 6, 2023
    Schema markup, also known as structured data, is a code that is added to a website to help search engines understand the content on the page. It provides additional context and information about the content, which can help improve the visibility of the page in search engine results pages (SERPs). In this article, we will…

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  • Benefits of Integrating a CRM with your Website

    April 4, 2023
    Having one source of the truth in a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system is desirable when importing and exporting data because it ensures data consistency, accuracy, and reliability. When importing or exporting data from a CRM system, it's crucial to have a single source of the truth to avoid conflicts, duplication, and errors.  Here are…

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  • lots of cogs

    Automated Imports

    March 30, 2023
    Creating an automated import system is desirable for large wholesale companies to keep their websites up to date for several reasons: Overall, an automated import system can help large wholesale companies to maintain an up-to-date website, improve efficiency, accuracy, and customer satisfaction, and stay competitive in a fast-paced market.

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  • The Advantages of Multi-step checkouts

    March 30, 2023
    A multi-step checkout process can benefit a business by improving customer acquisition, as well as reducing errors and increasing opportunities for upselling. Here's how:  Improved Customer Acquisition: By simplifying the checkout process, a multi-step checkout can reduce barriers to entry and make it easier for customers to complete their purchase. This can lead to increased…

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  • asking for too much - greedy forms

    Are you asking for too much? 

    March 28, 2023
    Greedy forms are web forms that require users to provide excessive amounts of information in order to complete them. This can be frustrating for users, who may feel that their privacy is being invaded or that the form is taking up too much of their time.  Greedy Web Forms  Greedy forms often ask for information…

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