E-Learning Website Design

Client: Acquisition Aesthetics

Sector: Medical, Retail

Pioneering aesthetic injectable training courses

Acquisition Aesthetics has grown into a pioneering company who deliver a range of aesthetic injectable training courses. Their faculty specialise in the fields of plastic surgery, maxillofacial surgery and dermatology. They offer cadaveric refresher courses and mentoring sessions. They strive to teach current evidence based practice where possible and continue to publish work within the aesthetic arena.

e-learning web design

Project Details

Services: Web Design, E-commerce
Target: B2B
Lead Time: 3 months
CMS: WooCommerce

Project Overview

Acquisition Aesthetics required a complete rebuild of their websites and e-learning system due to out of date software which was no longer supported. During the development we were able to add to, and improve upon, their existing set up providing additional functionality.

In order to continue providing their service they needed an ecommerce website and e-learning platform that was reliable, could be regularly updated, and which could be customised to meet the changing needs of the business.


  • Allow courses to be booked online
  • Manage attendees and collect payments


  • Build and develop an e-learning platform
  • Easy to manage system

Key Requirements

The key functionality of this ecommerce website is to sell online training courses for non-surgical aesthetics. This is achieved via an ecommerce platform, enabling courses to be booked and paid for online. Admins have the ability to add and manage online courses as the business develops. Each course can contain individual lessons, topics, quizzes and more in order to give delegates all the information needed for each course.


E-Learning Portal

The e-learning portal is to enable delegates to access important learning materials, documents and videos, accessed through delegate logins. If you’re looking for an ecommerce website design to reflect your very specific business needs and requirements, just get in touch today.